Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Resolution Revolution

The start of every year is filled with new resolutions usually regarding health.  Many will vow to stop smoking, lose weight, swear off sugar, start an exercise program or simply increase overall fitness.  I have to admit I am usually one of the many who vow to lose weight and fail miserably well before the year’s end only to declare the same resolution for the next year.  Unfortunately, failure is actually a very ugly connotation for me.  I never like to admit I have failed at anything; therefore, I chose to consider my lack of success thus far a loss of several battles in the resolution revolution.

For 2011 I have developed a different plan of attack.  Rather than declaring the same resolution with the same end result I am simply focusing on taking baby steps toward changing my eating habits.  Like many business people, my time is a huge issue which tends to frequently undermine my ability to eat healthy.  This year I am really focusing on changing my strategy to planning ahead. 

Since every day of my business week begins with a well constructed to-do list, I certainly believe I can incorporate my meals into that same list.This will certainly involve a little extra effort on my part, but it is a much better solution than the same old diet and exercise plan that seems to fail every year.  By focusing on planning ahead to change eating habits, the ease of implementation becomes part of my daily routine.  The goal is to accomplish this one task and transition into the next.

By revealing my resolution for 2011 I hope I can help someone else develop a plan for their health this year.  Health and healthcare are major issues for Americans to think about this year, and we all need a goal that is simple and realistically doable.  Success at small goals creates the inspiration and motivation to battle the large ones.  Good luck in 2011 with your resolution!   

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